WARNING: Look carefully at this picture because it has so much to tell you.

image source: www.airesmateus.com
"I have always been alone. I have always felt lonely even when I wasn't alone at all. People telling me they will be there for me but disappearing when I most needed them. I could see life pass through me without meaning. I met people who weren't able to give me the feeling I was looking for. They weren't able to reach to the deepest of my soul, and most of the time I wondered if it was because they didn't try harder, or it was because I built a wall so that they couldn't reach me.
I never had a place to call home, someone with whom I felt myself. My soul was craving that feeling.
That feeling was consuming me. I was dying slowly without even realizing it. Every step I took, every decision I made was drowning me more and more.
That's why when I reached to this place I couldn't believe that I have been living my life anywhere but here. The sky filled most of the landscape, a vivid blue, clear sky. A sky containing the brightest sun I had seen. The land, plain, with pasture for livestock was fertile and healthy. The sound of air moving leaves reached my ears, the birds chirping. My heart was filled with excitement and joy.
Never thought a place like this could get to exist.
I never thought I would end up calling home to a place like this.
Finally my soul found that feeling that it was craving.
I was happy."
All the stories found in this blog are written by both of us, and are original. Don't use them without asking our permission first.
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